Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday Fun Discussion

By popular demand, here it is:  Star Wars vs Lord of the Rings.  Which one and why?  Discuss!

Clovis vs Charles Martel

We talked about this one in class today, but I'd like to open it up for debate here.  Both Clovis and Charles Martel were powerful and influential leaders of their time.  They had major obstacles to overcome in achieving their goals.  For Clovis, uniting the Franks was a major hurdle to overcome when his people were accustomed to living as separate tribes.  For Charles Martel, the seemingly unstoppable Muslim army was a force to be reckoned with.  Who's accomplishments were greater?  Who do you think was the greater ruler?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Map Test Tomorrow!

Don't forget to study your maps for this week's big test.  We have Africa and Europe tomorrow (2/20) and the rest of the world on Thursday (2/21). This is worth quite a lot of points toward your grade so work hard!  Here are the links again to some great websites that will test your geography knowledge.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Fun Discussion

I've always wondered what it would feel like to be able to fly like a bird.  I think that having the power of super speed would also be pretty amazing.  If you could choose between being able to fly or the power of unlimited speed, which would you choose?    

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Study Your Maps!

The big map test is coming up for us on February 25th.  Your only homework in my class for the next couple weeks will be to study those maps!  Don't try to do too much at a time, it's better to get things to stick in your memory then to cover a lot and forget.  Here's a link to download the world map and other maps you can use to study as well.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday Fun Discussion

You encounter a magical artifact that will transform your life.  Your choice is to become either a world famous athlete or the most popular musician on the planet.  Which would you choose and why?


This week we talked about what ordinary Japanese life was like.  We discussed some forms of entertainment and the things they did to keep busy.  Imagine yourself in a time without tv, internet, or video games.  What types of things would you do to keep yourself busy?  Would it look very different from the things that the Japanese people did to keep entertained?