Thursday, January 24, 2013


We don't think of Japan as being an especially isolated place today.  Japan trades with the world and tourism both to and from is wide spread.  But it wasn't always that way.  Japan's geographic isolation resulted in developing a unique culture with very few influences from the outside world.  Despite this fact, Japan took a great deal of influence from the neighboring super power of its time, China.  What do you think?  Was Japan more an independent culture or a copy cat of China?  Argue one way or the other and be sure to give an example or two.


  1. I think that japan's culture was different. Yes it did take ideas from china, but it created them into their own type of idea.

  2. I think that Japan was a copy cat of china but added even more, such as making the samurais and shoguns. I also think that they sort of looked up to China, they would constantly want to have cities or emperors like china. they were isolated, yet they still looked at their surroundings and thinking "how can we be better than them?" and that is the true question "were the japanese better than china?"

  3. They did indeed copy China in one two many ways, yet they interpreted in their own strange way. As we look at China and Japan now we see the large difference. So likewise, they are widely different in many ways. History just shows how it evolved into now.
