Friday, January 11, 2013

First Post!

In this increasingly digital age, I'm finding it more and more common for students and teachers to rely on the internet for information regarding schoolwork.  While my Bernardo website here does a great job of getting information out there, I believe that this can be improved in a couple ways.  First and foremost, this blog will be a place to get information on my class regarding homework and other happenings.  More importantly, I hope to be able to engage my classes in more of a discussion in digital form through the comments section.

Please keep in mind I'm not a professional blogger, and I hope that this site will grow with time. Any comments left should be appropriate.  If you're not sure what appropriate means, keep in mind that I will encourage parents to visit this site as well; so don't post anything you wouldn't want your own parents seeing! 


  1. Checking out the comment system.

  2. I think the non-awesomeness overpowers the awesomeness. Just the fact that they could have been the reason for the bubonic plague did it for me!

    1. That is not true. Sure they started a plague but either way their empire was well built, armed, and extremely large. Sure their empire was short was it is better to have had then to have never had right?

    2. I totally agree with Celeste. Sure, they were mean, nasty people who threw dead, infected corpses over city walls to kill people, but u gotta give them credit. They won most of their wars from trickery and mental warfare.They won by doing medieval Jedi mind tricks on other people to make them believe they had dragons or a huge army of a million people or magic sticks that blew people apart. Really they were just missiles, a man building 5 fires instead of one, and an early form of guns. It was this mental warfare that spread fear throughout the country, and therefore they won mostly by people surrendering. Pretty smart, cause their army didn't have to lose energy or worse, die, while fighting. They were very wise people they defiantly new how to rule, defend, and conquer.

      ~EagleEye, horse fanatic and awesome artist. :D

    3. Sure they conquered alot of people, but in the end, China had the stronger military. As far as I know, they had 2 really good leaders, Ganghis Khan and Kublai Khan. It was all for a waste because in the end, China took over and gained back all of the land the Mongols had conquered.

    4. It was not a waste!! They kick-started trade, helped china's wealth, and they managed to take over most of china and keep it(for a while at least)!!!

      ~EagleEye, horse fanatic and awesome artist. :D

    5. mr shen ummm im in your class right now in 2019 and i think u should make more and by the way this is norah alexander :)

  3. Hello Mr. Shen this is Celeste Calabrisi, AKA your favorite student. I love the blog and look forward to see it progress throughout the year. I look forward to learning more history in your class!

  4. Hellloooo MR SHEN!!! This is Rachel Harris(ur third fav. student after Celeste and birkley) I think the mongols had a huge impact(positive) to Chinese history and therefore, world history. They kick-started the trade(leading to china's wealth, and then ours, because we borrow and use so much stuff through china :-/ ) and also their empire lasted for a short time, but just like Rome they were powerful, successful, well armed, and extremely large. :P I look forward to commenting on ur awesome posts on this blog!!!! HISTORY ROCKS!!!

    ~EagleEye, horse fanatic and awesome artist :D

  5. Heeeeeeeeeey!

    I think the Mongols were both good and bad ...

    - Created one of the largest land empires in history. (also one of the safest)
    -they popularized rice, and now it's a huge part in asian cuisine.
    -they had an amazing army (especially during Genghis Khan's reign)

    -When they conquered new land, they battled very brutally. They burned villages and tore people away from their families. ( After all, Genghis Khan said .. "The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy and drive him before you, to see his cities reduced to ashes, to see those who love him shrouded in tears.." like seriously, that's pretty messed up.)
    -(As Ian said) They started many plagues, and may even be responsible for the Black Death. That's pretty serious.

    Well that's all I could come up with :P so ... Bye!


  6. I agree that they were barbaric. But to start out from one simple tribe to take over all of china.... I think that is pretty cool

  7. I can see the Social Studies textbook on your desk. O_O
